

A description of the members of the Board, their duties, and terms of office can be found in our By-Laws, Articles 4 – 8.

Current board members:

  • Robert Allen, President 
  • Kelly Dale, Vice President
  • Jennifer Reiber Kyle, Secretary
  • Kathy Brown, Treasurer 
  • Bill Kuhn and Robert Allen, Landscaping
  • Ashley Hajimiri, Board Member

NOTE: Phone numbers for individual board members can be found in the MRPOA Directory (which is e-mailed annually to each homeowner). Board members can also be contacted by email at


MRPOA CC&Rs are the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions.
MRPOA By-Laws are the rules, procedures and framework needed to organize and run the Association.
MRPOA Articles of Incorporation establishes the existence of our non-profit organization as a legal and registered business within Oregon.  They contain the primary purpose for our organization.
Oregon Statute for Homeowners Association
Owner’s Access to Greenways for doing construction work on your own property:  If an owner needs to bring heavy equipment on to their property by accessing MRPOA greenways, this protocol must be followed.